FMi JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes personal information as an important information asset, and as one of its social responsibilities, to respect the privacy of the individual. We will endeavor to protect personal information and make effective use of it in our business activities.
In order to carry out this policy, we have established a “Compliance Committee” regarding the handling of personal information and established internal rules, and our employees (executives, employees, contract employees, etc.) will strictly adhere to them.
When we collect personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use. In addition, we will obtain personal information by legal and fair means.
We will clarify necessary items such as the purpose of use of personal information at the time of acquisition, or will notify you on our website etc.
We will clearly define the purpose of use within the scope necessary for business execution, and appropriately acquire, use and provide personal information. We will use the acquired personal information only within the scope of the purpose of use, and take measures to prevent it from being used for other purposes.
To provide information on property information in sales transactions (telephone, direct mail, etc.)
To fulfill a contract in a sales transaction
To provide after-sales service in sales transactions
To fulfill the contract in the agency / brokerage of the lease
To respond to various inquiries after leaving the room and contract management in the lease contract
To fulfill the management consignment contract in the rental management business
To fulfill the management consignment contract in the condominium management business
To fulfill the contract in the liability insurance for defects in housing
For recruitment, contract conclusion, and management in the non-life insurance agency business
For emergency contact
To carry out various surveys, etc. to understand customer satisfaction
To provide information on special services and new products
To carry out personnel, recruitment and labor management
To implement appropriate management of shareholders (shareholder list, etc.)
To improve the quality of telephone response and check the contents of calls
For safety management in the facility
To carry out the items incidental to each of the above purposes
In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, we will endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and take reasonable safety measures from both aspects of information and communication technology and management organization system according to the risk of personal information handled. We will take steps to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, and correct these.
We will endeavor to raise awareness of employees who handle personal information, such as by regularly conducting training and education to protect personal information.
The Company will not obtain the consent of the individual unless the provision to a third party is permitted by the relevant laws and guidelines, and the case where the provision is not classified as a third party by the law such as consignment. , We will not provide personal information to third parties. In addition, when providing personal information, we will select persons who meet the necessary standards for the management of personal information and make arrangements regarding the protection of personal information.
We will provide to third parties to the extent necessary for business execution. We will use the personal information provided only within the scope of the purpose of use, and take measures to prevent it from being used for other purposes.
We will share your personal information as follows.
Items of personal information to be shared
(a) Basic information such as name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, occupation / work place, etc.
(b) Information about transactions with customers
(c) Information on transaction history and transaction needs with customers
(d) Information on assets and liabilities
(e) Information necessary for the business management of the Group
Scope of shared users
Dualtap Property Management Co., Ltd.
Dualtap International Co., Ltd.
Purpose of use of deceased information of shared users
Purpose of use of each item specified in 3.
We are responsible for the security management of shared personal information.
Regarding the handling of personal information, if there is a complaint, consultation, disclosure / correction, etc. from the person, we will respond appropriately and promptly in accordance with the purpose of the law.
Personal information will be provided within the scope of the purpose of use. In case of use or provision beyond the scope of business, we will announce or notify the purpose of use etc. in advance and obtain the consent of the person. However, if there is an urgent need to protect personal information, such as laws and regulations that require the provision of personal information, we may provide it without the consent of the individual.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information in Japan, guidelines set by the government, and other norms.
In order to maintain the appropriate protection of personal information, we will regularly review the personal information protection management system and make continuous improvements.
There is a page on this site that sends a data file called a cookie to you so that you can use it more conveniently, but this does not allow us to obtain your personal information.
It is up to you to enter your personal information. However, please note that we may not be able to respond to your inquiries if you do not provide the necessary information to answer your inquiries.
If there is a request for disclosure, etc. from the person or his / her agent, we will respond as quickly as possible. Please contact the following for the billing method. (Disclosure, etc. means notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties.)
By phone
(Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm)
Personal information protection manager / Beili Bao
In writing
7-9-17 Higashi-Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Personal information protection manager / Beili Bao
Enactment date: December 1, 2020
Last revision date: December 8, 2020
FMi JAPAN Co., Ltd.
CEO Beili Bao